
We are happy to announce the new firmware V2.54 for both the Apex Pro & Vertix as released earlier this week Coros. The current release of this native speedsurfing mode is available for all COROS APEX PRO & VERTIX owners, and will bring a very high level of accuracy combined with a rock-solid hardware design, amazing battery life and a convenient easy-to-use user interface including fully auto-uploading to our platform.

With this new firmware the additional error & accuracy data is accesible in open format (.FIT) and can be accessed both local & in the GP3S Cloud for additional verification. GP3S has also access to the RAW data in the Coros Backend. To access the additional error & accuracy data fields in local .FIT files please make sure you upgrade to the latest version of GPS Results (V6.181 or higher).

Really impressed by all the effort that has been done by COROS Global , thank you for this great cooperation in the last 12 months , and looking forward for all the great stuff that comes next !!